Bicycle, Scooter and Skateboard Policy and Procedures
If your child intends to ride a bicycle, scooter or skateboard to and from school, please read the Bicycle, Scooter and Skateboard Policy and Procedures with your child and please sign the permission note.
1. The NSW Department of Education and Training and the NSW Roads and Traffic Authority recommends that children under 12 years of age ride their bicycles/scooters/skateboards to and from school on the footpath. Parents/Carers are advised to accompany them in a supervisory role.
2. Children must correctly wear an Australian Standards approved bicycle helmet at all times when in control of a bicycle/scooter. The school recommends that students also wear a helmet whilst on a skateboard.
3. Parents/Carers are responsible for:
3.1. How your child travel to and from school.
3.2. Maintaining your child’s bicycle or scooter. Bicycles/Scooters must be in a good, safe working order and by law must be fitted with a working brake and a bell.
3.3. Ensuring your child correctly wears an Australian Standards approved helmet every time they ride a bicycle/scooter.
3.4. Teaching your child to road rules. These are outlined in Transport for NSW Information for parents and carers about Safety on Wheels – The law and safety advice for bicycles, foot scooters, skateboards and rollerblades brochure.
3.5. Completing the Parent/Carer agreement, issued by our school. This must be returned to your child’s relevant Deputy Principal by Monday, 23rd September, 2019.
4. Students who ride bicycles/scooter/skateboards to school are responsible for:-
4.1. Completing a Bicycle/Scooter/Skateboard rider’s agreement issued by our school.
4.2. This must be returned to your relevant Deputy Principal by Monday, 23rd September, 2019.
4.3. Dismounting before entering the school grounds.
4.4. Using the Flagstaff Road entry and exit points at all times. The staff car park entrance/exit is NOT to be used for bicycle/scooter/skateboard entry or ext.
4.5. Wearing an Australian Standards approved helmet at all times.
4.6. Walking bicycles/scooters/skateboards on school grounds at all times directly to the designated bicycle rack.
4.7. Storing the bicycle/scooter/skateboard in the designated rack (western side of the canteen).
4.8. Ensuring that bicycles/scooter/skateboards are locked with a chain and padlock supplied by the owner. Bicycles/Scooters/Skateboards and helmets are NOT the responsibility of the school. These items are stored at school at the owner’s risk.
5. Parents/Carers will be notified if their child does not adhere to the School’s Policy. Students may be refused entry with their bicycles, scooters and skateboards to the school grounds.
6. No riding of bicycles, scooter or skateboards is permitted on school grounds.
Failure to follow policy:
1. All students riding their bicycle or scooter (recommended for skateboard riders) to school must wear a helmet at all times. This is the law and the school will uphold this practice at all times. Any student seen not wearing their helmet to and from school will not be permitted to bring their bicycle or scooter onto school grounds until Mr Hughes – Principal decides otherwise.
2. Any student who behaves in a manner that is deemed to be disrespectful or dangerous to other members of the school community and the general public whilst riding their bicycle/scooter/skateboard will not be permitted to bring their bicycle/scooter/skateboard onto school grounds and may be sanctioned according to the Warrawong High School Behaviour Management Policy.
3. Any violation of the above policy will result in a student being forbidden to bring their bicycle/scooter/skateboard on the school grounds until Mr Hughes – Principal decides otherwise.
Bicycle, Scooter and Skateboard Agreement Permission Note