The Black Dog Institute is a translational research institute that aims to reduce the incidence of mental illness and the stigma around it, to actively reduce suicide rates and empower everyone to live the most mentally healthy lives possible.
Black Dog Institute Weekly Personal Mental Health Check-in Covid 19 Checklist.
Coping During Learning for students - Resources to help you manage your well being during this trying time.
How to talk to your teenager about coronavirus - Parents information.
Coronavirus Social Study - A handout for students with a disability managing personal hygiene with other important information.
CORVIDBOOK - The story about the coronavirus for students with a disability, producted by Manuela Molina - @MINDHEART.KIDS
Online and Phone Counselling - Important contact information that can be accessed from home providing information and support via the web and phone.
Weekly Wellbeing challenge for students - Take the challenge to complete 150 points from at least 3 columns per day!
Stress and Worry - Apps to help you with Stress and Worry.
Mindfulness, Relaxation, Sleep and Meditation - More free Apps.
Headspace - How to cope with stress related to Covid - 19.
World Health Organisation - Helping children cope with stress during the 2019-nCOV outbreak.